A call site object representing the location where eval was called [if this function was created using a call to eval]
Name of the script [if this function was defined in a script]
Current function
Name of the current function, typically its name property. If a name property is not available an attempt will be made to try to infer a name from the function's context.
Current line number [if this function was defined in a script]
Name of the property [of "this" or one of its prototypes] that holds the current function
Value of "this"
Type of "this" as a string. This is the name of the function stored in the constructor field of "this", if available. Otherwise the object's [[Class]] internal property.
Is this a constructor call?
Does this call take place in code defined by a call to eval?
Is this call in native V8 code?
Is this a toplevel invocation, that is, is "this" the global object?
Current column number [if this function was defined in a script]